Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is what i do... oh and people's uTeach powerpoints

Chase Barrett's uTeach - This was a pretty legit powerpoint. He taught about the amazing Ukulele. I didnt know all the chords and stuff so i learned them from his presentation. I liked how he showed us the video of the real guy who sang "somewhere over the rainbow."

Laura Gainey's uTeach - I didn't know you could take out the security thread in money. Even though it could be illegal.. it was legit! And she used my 5 dollar bill! So if you work for the government or CIA or whatever.. don't arrest me.. Laura made me give it to her...i meant no harm.

Wesley Morgan's uTeach - So i wanted to be there for this one because yall threw a stinking javelin! but i heard it was like the tightest one. Everyone told me that it was way harder than they thought.. but Wes' powerpoint game them helpful hints that made them succesful javalin throwers. Good job Wes!

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