Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baseball update

Chase Kairdolf, Chase Barrett, Corey Landry, Aaron Gauthier, J.B. Hernandez, Caleb Leger, Ricky Smith, Stephen Peterson, Collin Bain, Richard Hopkins (homeschooler that plays baseball with us), Thing 1 (Justin Maranto), and Thing 2 (Jacob Maranto), Coach Rick Smith, Coach James (Jimbo) Walker, the lovely bat girls Jaclyn Stablier and Chelsey Mullen, and the photographer Nathan Maranto-- these are the people that make up the 2010 Bethany Lions baseball team. Though we lost two good senior pitchers last year, Ben Myers and Franky Hebert, I believe we'll do just fine with the leadership and encouragement of our current 5 dedicated seniors. By the time district comes around, we will have taken hundreds of buckets of ground balls, hundreds of buckets of fly balls, and hundreds of rounds of bp (that's baseball lingo for batting practice.) We will be ready to destroy any team that hinders us from obtaining that coveted State Championship ring.
If you are a common fan among our bleachers, please continue to show your support. If you have never been to one of our games, give it a try! You don't know what you have been missing. We'll get our schedule out to y'all asap. Come support the last year of Bethany Lions baseball!

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