Friday, January 29, 2010

He just had a crazy IMAGINATION!

Journalist- One who gathers information about a person, place, or thing and writes a story about it. They go to a specific place, take specific notes, and talk to specific people. There are many journalists who were made famous just by one hard-hitting story; however, some people have trouble finding that one great story.
Stephen Glass, a staff writer for The New Republic magazine, was an amazing writer. He gave extremely detailed information about the craziest stories. Nobody knew how he could find such hard-hitting stories. But there was one thing people didn't know about Stephen Glass... He made everything up! His imagination was so vivid that he took the best notes and painted the perfect picture of a story that didn't even exist. Nobody knew until a some no-name online magazine found out his facts were fake and exposed him for who he truly was- a liar.
This man, Stephen Glass, made up some or all of 27 out of 40 stories that he published. Idk if he was lazy, or just couldn't find good stories, but he felt he must make up stories to make him famous. Nobody should follow this guy's example..unless your planning on becoming a fiction short story author.

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