Friday, January 29, 2010

He just had a crazy IMAGINATION!

Journalist- One who gathers information about a person, place, or thing and writes a story about it. They go to a specific place, take specific notes, and talk to specific people. There are many journalists who were made famous just by one hard-hitting story; however, some people have trouble finding that one great story.
Stephen Glass, a staff writer for The New Republic magazine, was an amazing writer. He gave extremely detailed information about the craziest stories. Nobody knew how he could find such hard-hitting stories. But there was one thing people didn't know about Stephen Glass... He made everything up! His imagination was so vivid that he took the best notes and painted the perfect picture of a story that didn't even exist. Nobody knew until a some no-name online magazine found out his facts were fake and exposed him for who he truly was- a liar.
This man, Stephen Glass, made up some or all of 27 out of 40 stories that he published. Idk if he was lazy, or just couldn't find good stories, but he felt he must make up stories to make him famous. Nobody should follow this guy's example..unless your planning on becoming a fiction short story author.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sites used for my Haiti story...

Sorry i forgot to post the sites i used to assist me in writing this story.

I used and

The Devastation of Haiti

On January 12, 2010, the history of Haiti, a small republic which is located in the Caribbean basin, changed forever. A magnitude 7.0 earthquake destroyed buildings, homes, and approximately 150,000 people. It's the worst quake Haiti has seen in over a century. the US geological survey reported, "it was centered about 10miles (15 kilometers) southwest of Port-au-Prince. Some witnesses even reported it being felt in Cuba, nearly 200 miles away.
Mike Godfrey, an american contractor, stated that as soon as the quake hit, a thick blanket of dust covered the city for 20 minutes. This could have prevented many people from finding loved ones or even trying to get to whatever was left of a hospital, let alone being blocked in by all the shrapnel. Many buildings were completely destroyed including the president's residence and a hospital. Houses were just completely devastated as far as the eye could see.
Frank Williams, the Haitian director of the relief agency World Vision International, claimed that the agency building shook for over half a minute. This created utter fear in anyone in that building. I'm sure this horror could have been compared to the ones near the top of the world trade centers when they were coming down. Ambassador Raymond Joseph stated "it is a catastrophe of major proportions."
Such a catastrophe makes many people think about their lives, knowing that God can take it from us anytime he wants. It's said in the Bible that not all things are good, but all things work for the good. Some good can come out of this, as weird as it may seem. Some celebrities are pitching in their help by doing various things for the country. Tiger Woods donated a cargo plane to get relief to the troubled city of Port-au-Prince. Oprah Winfrey asked viewers to donate to the Red Cross. "This is a time where we, as a global nation, should come together and support those who are in need," Winfrey said. Usher is also involved with the recovery. "I am devastated by the news in Haiti and am calling for youth worldwide to support and offer assistance to the millions of people in that area that are in dire need. I am currently working with Usher's New Look, my nonprofit organization, to figure out the most effective means of help," Usher said. They all urge young people to help out this country in dire need.
So what can you every-day American do to help? One thing you can do is donate money and supplies to the Red Cross. They will use it in the best way possible to help out the survivors. There is a foundation from Wyclef called Yele. By quickly mobilizing a text message campaign, this allows people to donate $5 by texting the word "Yele" to 501501. But the most useful thing that everyone can do is pray. Nobody can help the poor people in Haiti better than the Lord. Everything is in his hands. He chooses the fate of everyone in this world. He tells us "to love your neighbor as you love yourself." Haiti is our neighbor and we must do everything we possibly can to keep this little country alive.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Is it a fiddle or a violin?

Many people often get violins and fiddles confused. I myself didn't know what the difference was. I mean they're both made of wood, they both have strings, and you strum them both with a bow. They both make music.. So that must be the difference. Wrong! So what's the difference? I'm about to show you.
Before I tell you this difference, I'm going to brush you up on a little fiddle/violin history. The bowed string instrument first appeared in India circa 3000 BC, and is described in Hindu myth as Ravanahatha. From India, the technology traveled out both to China, and through Central Asia to Europe.
The medieval fiddle emerged in 10th-century Europe, deriving from the Byzantine lira,(Greek:λύρα, Latin:lira, English:lyre), a bowed string instrument of the Byzantine Empire and ancestor of most European bowed instruments. The first recorded reference to the bowed lira was in the 9th century by the Persian geographer Ibn Khurradadhbih; in his lexicographical discussion of instruments he cited the lira (lūrā) as a typical instrument of the Byzantines and equivalent to the rabāb played in the Islamic Empires. Lira spread widely westward to Europe; in the 11th and 12th centuries European writers use the terms fiddle and lira interchangeably when referring to bowed instruments (Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009).
So here's the big difference. Fiddle is a general term than violin. Violin is a more specific term used to describe a violin and a violin only! A fiddle may refer to anything within the violin family. Even a bass violin.. or more commonly called a cello.
Here's some quotes that people joke about being the difference. Various clichés describe the difference between fiddle and violin: "When you are buying it, it's a fiddle. When you are selling it, it's a violin." "What's the difference between a violin and a fiddle? About $10,000." "The difference is in the nut that holds the bow." "The violin sings, the fiddle dances." "A fiddle is a violin with attitude." "No one cries when they spill beer on a fiddle." "The difference between a violinist and a fiddle player is $100 a night, and a tux."According to the performer Shoji Tabuchi, the difference lies "in how you fiddle around with it."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is what i do... oh and people's uTeach powerpoints

Chase Barrett's uTeach - This was a pretty legit powerpoint. He taught about the amazing Ukulele. I didnt know all the chords and stuff so i learned them from his presentation. I liked how he showed us the video of the real guy who sang "somewhere over the rainbow."

Laura Gainey's uTeach - I didn't know you could take out the security thread in money. Even though it could be illegal.. it was legit! And she used my 5 dollar bill! So if you work for the government or CIA or whatever.. don't arrest me.. Laura made me give it to her...i meant no harm.

Wesley Morgan's uTeach - So i wanted to be there for this one because yall threw a stinking javelin! but i heard it was like the tightest one. Everyone told me that it was way harder than they thought.. but Wes' powerpoint game them helpful hints that made them succesful javalin throwers. Good job Wes!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baseball update

Chase Kairdolf, Chase Barrett, Corey Landry, Aaron Gauthier, J.B. Hernandez, Caleb Leger, Ricky Smith, Stephen Peterson, Collin Bain, Richard Hopkins (homeschooler that plays baseball with us), Thing 1 (Justin Maranto), and Thing 2 (Jacob Maranto), Coach Rick Smith, Coach James (Jimbo) Walker, the lovely bat girls Jaclyn Stablier and Chelsey Mullen, and the photographer Nathan Maranto-- these are the people that make up the 2010 Bethany Lions baseball team. Though we lost two good senior pitchers last year, Ben Myers and Franky Hebert, I believe we'll do just fine with the leadership and encouragement of our current 5 dedicated seniors. By the time district comes around, we will have taken hundreds of buckets of ground balls, hundreds of buckets of fly balls, and hundreds of rounds of bp (that's baseball lingo for batting practice.) We will be ready to destroy any team that hinders us from obtaining that coveted State Championship ring.
If you are a common fan among our bleachers, please continue to show your support. If you have never been to one of our games, give it a try! You don't know what you have been missing. We'll get our schedule out to y'all asap. Come support the last year of Bethany Lions baseball!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Newspapers in highschools around the US

1. Central High School - Springfield, MO
- Central High Times

2. Antioch Community High School - Chicago, IL
- Chicago Tribune

3. Chatterbox, The - George Washington High School - Danville, VA

4. Lion's Tale, The - Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School - Rockville, MD

5. Cub Tracks - Humboldt High School - Humboldt, KS

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


We've had some interesting blog assignments you have given us, but there are some that stand out more than the rest...

1. Insanewiches - This was one crazy assignment. I have never in my wildest dreams thought about making random shapes and/or pictures out of sandwiches. I got a nice kick out of it; unlike the usual blog assignments you give ;). What I learned from it was people have way too much time on your hands.

2. Action figure photography - these people are nuts. they have wayyy too much time on their hands. maybe they just like pictures and action figures. They must be like photograpers/nerds! It made me laugh and giggle here and there. It was just a fun assignment.

3. eHow - Last but not least, my favorite was the eHow assignment. I know I ranked them wrong, but I dont care. This was my favorite. They have so many useless/hilarious eHows, yet helpful ones at the same time. I learned just about everything i read on eHow.

The hated blog assignment - I HATE writing 50 news paper ideas over and over again. We only use like 5 for the circle. then we only write about like 2! It's so pointless. I hope you don't get too mad that i picked this one. please dont give it to us again.