Tuesday, September 15, 2009

fffffeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaa...and news

a. How could this game help educate kids about hurricanes?
they could know how to prepare for a hurricane.

b. Would you recommend that schools along the Gulf Coast have their kids play this game? uhh sure...it doesnt take that long and it will teach them valuable information.

a. How could this game help educate kids about hurricanes?
it teaches them to take the safe routes to safety. so they dont get shocked or eatin by hungry aligators. raawwrr.

b. Would you recommend that schools along the Gulf Coast have their kids play this game? Why or why not?
yeah why not. its not hard and it makes kids think.

The Iraq shoe thrower
who: Muntadar al-Zaidi
what: he threw a shoe at george w. bush and says he was tortured in jail
when: a year ago
where: iraq
why: he was revolting
how: with his shoe

Elton John's supposed adoption
who: Elton John
what: Sir Elton John cannot adopt a 14-month-old boy because he is not married and too old, a Ukrainian minister has said.
when: sept 14
where: Ukraine
why: he's too old and not married
how: by law

Somali pirates and Greek ships
who: Somali pirates
what: Somali pirates have released a Greek-owned ship hijacked five months ago and freed its 21 Filipino crew members, officials and pirates have said.
when: sept 14
where: somali
why: to get ransom
how: they just did

Patrick Swayze
who: your seriously askin that?
what: he died
when: sept 14
where: his house?
why: lord called him
how: cancer...

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