Tuesday, September 15, 2009


design a cell phone - This was pretty cool. you had to use your brain to put yourself in the head of an old person tryin to use a cell phone. it couldn't be all technical or anything. it just the be the basic.

deep brain stimulation - this was gross on so many levels! but it was kinda tight at the same time. i never wanna be a brain surgeon..

crash scene - Im not gonna lie... this was the most boring thing i have ever done. it was long and tedious and had no point to it.

virtual hip resurfacing - okay i kinda get all the hip and knee surgeries confused but i think i remember that i liked this one. its pretty fun to see how they do that.

virtual hip replacement - this one was tight. i had to put a whole new socket into the leg to make the cup fit right. i liked the noise it made when they popped it back into place. POP!

the odd machine - this was propably the most interesting out of all the edheads. you had to use your brain and figure out which machine would work the best.

virtual knee surgery - this one was aight. i love cutting into the knee with the scalpel and make blood squirt everywhere. kinda looked painful when yo uhad to hammer in some things though..

weather report - this one was pretty interesting. it was pretty easy at first but then it got more difficult. it was pretty tight.

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