Monday, September 28, 2009

bunch of random stuff jenny is making us do

Who: Twecipe
What: food emtertainment and tips website
When: anytime
Why: entertainment and tips
How: post links of videos, pictures, and recipes - Homeade Salsa - Spicy Chicken & Rice Noodles - Coolest pizza box ever

What: fun games website
When: anytime
Why: entertainment
How: Copy the canvas, using different shapes and colors.

What: fun games website
When: anytime
Why: entertainment
How: Figure you way through mazes.

Who: Bart Bonte game
What: word game
When: anytime
Why: helps think faster and funHow: make any word from letters falling in bubbles

Who: Physics
What: game website
When: anytime
Why: entertainment & to under basic physics
How: Blow up buildings. It's fun!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

world news

Better World Books is a for-profit social enterprise that collects used books and sells them online to raise money for literacy initiatives worldwide. We offer great bargains on used books - over 6 million used and new titles, with free shipping anywhere in the U.S. and just $3.97 worldwide. What’s more, you love cheap used books and so does the environment – when you buy used, you save books from landfill and conserve resources. . . I think this is a great website for bookworms.

The Oprah video is about this girl named Lisa Ling whose sister and friend were captured in north korea. A facebook group was started to help ease her pain. Everytime she posts statuses about how she misses her sister, thousands of people reply and comfort her. I think this is amazing how that many people feel compassion for her.

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore made a New Year's resolution to get "in front" of one specific cause. This cause is to be abolitionists for 21st century slavery and human trafficking. They will back up Barak Obama towards the same goal. They are doing a great thing and will strive to get rid of sexual exploitation in children.

Toms shoes was founded for one goal: to give children without a pair of shoes. For every pair of shoes purchased, a pair is given to a child in need. Blake Mycoskie founded TOMS shoes in 2006. TOMS has given over 140,000 pairs of shoes.They plan on giving around 300,000 in 2009 alone. I think TOMs choes is a great organization. I plan on purchasing some one day soon hopefully. The Press link tells of major magazines and press that support or have advertised TOMs shoes.

Monday, September 21, 2009


who: Wordnik
what: An ongoing project devoted to discoveringall the words and everything about them
when: anytime
why: so you can know about words
how: by use of that internet thing
Twitter and wordnik are both beta websites

who: twtpets
what: website that shows your pets
when: anytime
why: to show off your pets
how: with pictures

who: slurpee
what: a website to upload your photo and get brainfreezed!
when: all day
why: cause its fun
how: you find a picture of yourself, save it, and upload it.
I didn't like it cause i couldn't get the stupid thing to work! it made me mad

Thursday, September 17, 2009

sandwhiches and boom boxes

who: people who love sandwiches
what: crazy sandwich sculptures
when: anytime they're bored
why: it's entertaining
how: it shows you all the time people have on their hands

who: psycho people
what: ghetto blaster boomboxes!
when: all day e'ry day e'ry hour
why: cause they be awesome
how: by showing you all the ghettoblasters

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

fffffeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaa...and news

a. How could this game help educate kids about hurricanes?
they could know how to prepare for a hurricane.

b. Would you recommend that schools along the Gulf Coast have their kids play this game? uhh doesnt take that long and it will teach them valuable information.

a. How could this game help educate kids about hurricanes?
it teaches them to take the safe routes to safety. so they dont get shocked or eatin by hungry aligators. raawwrr.

b. Would you recommend that schools along the Gulf Coast have their kids play this game? Why or why not?
yeah why not. its not hard and it makes kids think.

The Iraq shoe thrower
who: Muntadar al-Zaidi
what: he threw a shoe at george w. bush and says he was tortured in jail
when: a year ago
where: iraq
why: he was revolting
how: with his shoe

Elton John's supposed adoption
who: Elton John
what: Sir Elton John cannot adopt a 14-month-old boy because he is not married and too old, a Ukrainian minister has said.
when: sept 14
where: Ukraine
why: he's too old and not married
how: by law

Somali pirates and Greek ships
who: Somali pirates
what: Somali pirates have released a Greek-owned ship hijacked five months ago and freed its 21 Filipino crew members, officials and pirates have said.
when: sept 14
where: somali
why: to get ransom
how: they just did

Patrick Swayze
who: your seriously askin that?
what: he died
when: sept 14
where: his house?
why: lord called him
how: cancer...


design a cell phone - This was pretty cool. you had to use your brain to put yourself in the head of an old person tryin to use a cell phone. it couldn't be all technical or anything. it just the be the basic.

deep brain stimulation - this was gross on so many levels! but it was kinda tight at the same time. i never wanna be a brain surgeon..

crash scene - Im not gonna lie... this was the most boring thing i have ever done. it was long and tedious and had no point to it.

virtual hip resurfacing - okay i kinda get all the hip and knee surgeries confused but i think i remember that i liked this one. its pretty fun to see how they do that.

virtual hip replacement - this one was tight. i had to put a whole new socket into the leg to make the cup fit right. i liked the noise it made when they popped it back into place. POP!

the odd machine - this was propably the most interesting out of all the edheads. you had to use your brain and figure out which machine would work the best.

virtual knee surgery - this one was aight. i love cutting into the knee with the scalpel and make blood squirt everywhere. kinda looked painful when yo uhad to hammer in some things though..

weather report - this one was pretty interesting. it was pretty easy at first but then it got more difficult. it was pretty tight.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

puns, words, and a story

1. I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
2. A criminal's best asset is his lie ability.
3. To some - marriage is a word ... to others - a sentence.
4. When an actress saw her first strands of gray hair she thought she'd dye.
5. She's happy to make a pair of pants for you, or at least sew its seams.
6. Let's talk about rights and lefts. You're right so I left.
7. If you step onto a plane and recognize a friend of yours named Jack don't yell out Hi Jack!
8. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
9. Atheists don't solve exponential equations because they don't believe in higher powers.
10. A hungry traveller stops at a monastery and is taken to the kitchens. A brother is frying chips. 'Are you the friar?' he asks. 'No. I'm the chip monk,' he replies.

Dictionary Words
1. jape: a trick or practical joke.
2. frisson: a brief moment of intense excitement.
3. gainsay: to contradict; to deny.
4. eleemosynary: relating to charity; charitable.
5. pulchritude: beauty.
6. shibboleth: a word, pronunciation, saying, belief, practice, etc., that distinguishes one group from another.
7. ineffable: incapable of being expressed.
8. adumbrate: to outline; also, to foreshadow; also, to shade.
9. skulk: to hide in a sneaking manner.
10. sui generis: unique.

Sprint and Samesung launch a biodegradable cell phone

On August 16, Sprint and Samsung put an "eco-conscious" cell phone on the market. What makes this "green" phone biodegradable is its 40 percent corn-based plastic cover. The charger also lights up when it's fully charged to save electricity. How much do these phones go for? Only $50 with a 2-year contract after the mail-in rebate.