Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The name is Regel, Belac Regel. I was born under a rock in the ocean in Seashell City. My mother found me underwater living in a giant pineapple. I had befriended a sponge and talked him into letting me live with him. We spent hours and hours chasing the local jellyfish anyway we could. Eventually, I was caught on a giant hook and pulled into a cruise ship. From then on, I lived with my adopted mother.
She had 4 other children - a son younger than me, and 3 older daughters. They are from down south, so I eventually picked up their southern accent. They also have a father who, as you know, became my adopted father also. He taught me how to hunt, fish, and build stuff. This was much different from the life I had back in Seashell City.
The schooling is quite different up on land. We have to sit in class rooms behind a computer and type these weird stories all day. In fact, that's what I'm doing right now! It gets so boring and repetitive; I am yet to see the point to all of it.
So with that, I guess I'll leave you now. I don't quite know what I'm going to do with my life. But I know it will be something I was determined to do. So the rest of this autobiography is me just adding extra sentences to make it long enough. So I will see you lata!

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