Monday, October 12, 2009

Barnes and Noble

Barnes & Noble is ridonkulously massive! I mean there's literally a kagillion books. Theyre all divided up by genre. Ex: Sci-fi, horror, adventure. Of course you can read books, but you can also listen to music, drink coffee, or even play games. The games range anywhere from computer games to board games to any type of kid game you can imagine.

The children's section is definitely attractive to little kids (with the exception of Nathan). The walls are multi-colored and filled with pictures. There were copious amounts of childrens books including dr. seuss! It also had a good many toys like Thomas the train. brought back some memories..

The music and DVD section was pretty legit. They had just about every genre of music you can think of. Rock, rap, christian, country - you name it; they had it. Same goes for dvds. It's virtually a blockbuster!

The cafe was tight. Chocolate, fudge, coffee, i just couldnt decide. But a vanilla bean frapaccino is where its at! It's usually pretty crowded with people, but its worth waitin in line for that delicious coffee.

The magazine section had...yep you guessed it..MAGAZINES. Anywhere from fitness to sports to history.. they had it all. The discount program was one thing i didnt really have an idea of. Me and nathan asked the guy at the counter and he said if you become a member you get like 40% off of all hardbacks and like 10% off everything else. Thats prolly a legit membership to have...unless you have to pay alot. There was a bunch of people when we went! Black, white, chinese, german, blackenese, kids, parents, teens, seniors, short, fat, tall, skinny - all of em! They were all either reading, listening to music, or drinkin coffee.
I definitely do NOT go on a regular basis. It's like 467.5 miles away. it would be cheaper to just build one in central. But i think its a pretty chill place to be. All in all, Barnes and Noble gets the thumbs up from me.

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