Friday, October 30, 2009


1. How to Overcome Chronic Laziness
2. How to Find a Military Roommate
3. How to Avoid Being Rushed in the Morning
4. How to Make Your Fights Productive
5. How to Pass a Polygraph or Lie Detector
6. How to Make a Successful Work Accident Claim
7. How to Find a Job With a Felony
8. How to Make a Quick and Easy Smoke Bomb
9. How to Enjoy a Day at The Beach by Yourself
10. How to Buy Broccoli at the Store

1. aeyyyyyy
The Fonz on Happy Days.
2. Anybody Got Any Cheese??
Steve Urkel on Family Matters.
3. Cowabunga!
The ninja turtles on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Said by the turtles.
4. Did I do that?
Steve Urkel on Family Matters
5. D'oh!
Homer on The Simpsons
6. You got it dude!
Michelle on Full House
7. Take a chill pill
8. 'why don't you marry it?'
pee wee on pee wee's playhouse. similar to "I know you are..."
9. What You Talkin' 'Bout Willis?
Gary Coleman on Diff'rent Strokes
10. The Power Is YOURS!
Captain Planet on Captain Planet.

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