Friday, October 30, 2009


1. How to Overcome Chronic Laziness
2. How to Find a Military Roommate
3. How to Avoid Being Rushed in the Morning
4. How to Make Your Fights Productive
5. How to Pass a Polygraph or Lie Detector
6. How to Make a Successful Work Accident Claim
7. How to Find a Job With a Felony
8. How to Make a Quick and Easy Smoke Bomb
9. How to Enjoy a Day at The Beach by Yourself
10. How to Buy Broccoli at the Store

1. aeyyyyyy
The Fonz on Happy Days.
2. Anybody Got Any Cheese??
Steve Urkel on Family Matters.
3. Cowabunga!
The ninja turtles on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Said by the turtles.
4. Did I do that?
Steve Urkel on Family Matters
5. D'oh!
Homer on The Simpsons
6. You got it dude!
Michelle on Full House
7. Take a chill pill
8. 'why don't you marry it?'
pee wee on pee wee's playhouse. similar to "I know you are..."
9. What You Talkin' 'Bout Willis?
Gary Coleman on Diff'rent Strokes
10. The Power Is YOURS!
Captain Planet on Captain Planet.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


1. How to Make a Zombie Costume
2. How to Politely Get Rid of Dinner Guests
3. How to Restore Facebook to Old Style
4. How to Break Your Facebook Habit At Work
5. How to Keep Children Busy On Rainy Days
6. How to Teach Your Child Not to Tell Lies
7. How to Switch to a Big Kid Bed From a Crib
8. How to Clean Up Urine Accidents
9. How to Lose Weight Exercising at the Gym
10. How to Be a LeBron James Fan

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oprah's interviews

The Danish home is very simple, but sort of futuristic-looking. All the closets/pantries are built into the walls. They are very neat and organized. the bathroom is completely see-through (made of glass) . The kids' room is tiny! i need more space than that. The dining room is my favorite. they spend alot of family time together there with a great view. They are very simple people.

The women in Dubai live really good. All the houses are massive. Huge open foyers with massive staircases are prominant. they don't have to do much cooking because they have a chef and/or in-laws that give them three meals a day. All you can eat =] . the father has an outfit that is a t-shirt, business suit, and a tuxedo all in one. LEGIT! They are very family oriented and have big families.

Monday, October 26, 2009

SErvice and GAmes

SEGA-what a catchy name! It stands for SErvice and GAmes. The history of SEGA began with the development of games for other consoles. Then they realized it was time to develop their own console. It began with the SEGA Master System which basically rivaled the 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System. It flopped in the US but had some popularity in Japan and Europe. this generated enough revenue to behin development on the SEGA genesis, which at the time of release was the fastest system on the market.
The Genesis was enormously popular with games such as Sonic the HEdgehog and EA Sports titles. Nintendo then leap-frogged the Genesis with the Super NES and with titles such as Donkey Kong (32-bit style graphics on a 16-bit console,) Nintendo once again took control. SEGA then launched Sega CD, the first game console to run from a CD. the games were mdeiocre at best and didn't even compete with the lesser Super NES system. SEGA also launched the Game Gear to compete with the Nintendo Gameboy but due to the extensive consumption of battery power, it never could compete. SEGA then continues to produce gaming consoles with the same results. The SEGA Saturn, and the following SEGA Dreamcast could not compete with Nintendo or the new player in the gaming industry, SONY. The Dreamcast never took off and currently is not produced any longer. SEGA currently makes games for other consoles.
SEGA nowadays is a rare finding. Most people either sold it in a garage sale or kept it for a little niece or nephew. But sometimes the "oldies" are the "goodies." Stop playin with all those new game systems for a day and pick up an old fashioned SEGA.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

News goes overboard

One thing the media has gone completely overboard with is the swine flu. Don't get me wrong, the swine flu is a legit sickness, but people just take it too far. people aren't going nuts about just getting a regular flu shot. nooo they want the swine flu shot. that's just my opinion though...

The other thing they went overboard with was the death of michael jackson. Come on people..he's NOT God. this one interview this woman said he had the same influence on people as Jesus did

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Give me your John Handcock

1. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, common good, justice, equality, diversity, truth, popular sovereignty, and patriotism.

2. The government has to keep these core values in tact, otherwise it is violating the declaration. The people are responsible for stating the values that are written in the declaration.

3. Because these are the basis of how america got started. it wont be america without its freedoms.

4. The right of Liberty allows private citizens to collect, edit and further distribute information to others and how the values help drive these actions.

5. They must print out truthful information (the Truth virtue) in order to make the virtue right.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Barnes and Noble

Barnes & Noble is ridonkulously massive! I mean there's literally a kagillion books. Theyre all divided up by genre. Ex: Sci-fi, horror, adventure. Of course you can read books, but you can also listen to music, drink coffee, or even play games. The games range anywhere from computer games to board games to any type of kid game you can imagine.

The children's section is definitely attractive to little kids (with the exception of Nathan). The walls are multi-colored and filled with pictures. There were copious amounts of childrens books including dr. seuss! It also had a good many toys like Thomas the train. brought back some memories..

The music and DVD section was pretty legit. They had just about every genre of music you can think of. Rock, rap, christian, country - you name it; they had it. Same goes for dvds. It's virtually a blockbuster!

The cafe was tight. Chocolate, fudge, coffee, i just couldnt decide. But a vanilla bean frapaccino is where its at! It's usually pretty crowded with people, but its worth waitin in line for that delicious coffee.

The magazine section had...yep you guessed it..MAGAZINES. Anywhere from fitness to sports to history.. they had it all. The discount program was one thing i didnt really have an idea of. Me and nathan asked the guy at the counter and he said if you become a member you get like 40% off of all hardbacks and like 10% off everything else. Thats prolly a legit membership to have...unless you have to pay alot. There was a bunch of people when we went! Black, white, chinese, german, blackenese, kids, parents, teens, seniors, short, fat, tall, skinny - all of em! They were all either reading, listening to music, or drinkin coffee.
I definitely do NOT go on a regular basis. It's like 467.5 miles away. it would be cheaper to just build one in central. But i think its a pretty chill place to be. All in all, Barnes and Noble gets the thumbs up from me.