Thursday, May 20, 2010

final exam


1. How to throw a 65th surprise birthday party
Think about what the guest of honor would enjoy, but consider your other guests, as well. Have the bartender be a close friend of his, or even hire a celebrity. Don't make him feel old. Set out kid toys like firetrucks. Have fun!

2. How to Increase Bat Swing Speed
Squeeze a tennis ball 20 times in each hand. That's one rep; do 5 reps. This will greatly strengthen the hands and forearms. The result? Greater bat speed!

3. How to Write a Funny Facebook Status Message
Try typing out quotes from some funny show that you and your friends watch. ex: Spongebob- "I'm ready!" Or you could type an inside joke. You should get plenty of comments. Or simply take someone else's. Of course you should tweak it a little to make it your own.

4. How to Deny a Fart
Ease it out real slow like. If nobody hears it, you're in the clear. But if it slips out, continue with the conversation. Don't look obvious. Or ask them if they are feeling okay. They will become embarrassed after that. lastly, blame others.

5. How to Scratch a Leg in a Cast
Don't get poison ivy. Use a hair dryer set to cool and blow cold air into the cast. Use benadryl around your cast. Pinch the skin several times around the cast. Then rub it and this will distract the itch.

6. How to Use a Back Scratcher
Put it in the hand that allows you to reach your itch. Scratch up and down with the fingers facing you. Or use it to scratch someone else's back so you don't use your fingers.

7. How to Increase Your Chances of Winning the Lottery
Join or form a lottery-playing team. more people = more chances. Buy as many as you can afford. If you win, you have to split the profits

8. How to Break an Attacker's Nose
Stay balanced. Keep your arms up to protect your face. Hold your hand up with your fingers bent and together and your palm upright. Use your stronger hand. Smoke him in the face. Run!

9. How to Cure OCD
Realize you have a problem. Being OCD makes you angry when you can't make things perfect. When you are angry, try relieving your anger some other way. Hit a punching bag until all your anger has been released. No anger, no more OCD.

10. How to Relax
Take a pen and paper and write down everything that is stressing you out. Once you understand all your problems, you will be slightly relieved. Log off the internet, stop watching the news, and turn off your cell phone. Get away from it all and just enjoy the peace and quiet.

Dear Np Staff of the 2010-2011 school year, this is NOT an "easy-A-class." If you don't like writing, either transfer or suck it up because this class is loads of writing. But for all of you that enjoy writing, or are man enough to endure it, this class is lots of fun. You're around the entire staff every day, so you will make friends quick. The ones that are already your friend, you will become closer than ever before. Don't procrastinate with your stories because it WILL come back to haunt you. Enjoy y'all's year and happy blogging =]

If I was editor, I probably wouldn't be much different than Nathan. He was a great editor and the paper wouldn't have come together if it wasn't for him. He gave us ideas when we were lacking in the idea section of our brain. He read over our stories. He didn't do it for just correctness, but also gave us tips on how to make it more enjoyable. So there ya have it; I wouldn't change a thing. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

This is going to be one busy stinkin' summer. Not only am I going to play baseball x amount of days a week, but I have to take a step out in to the real world. That means getting a job. Hopefully I find one soon; otherwise, I'll be spending my whole summer just looking for one. Job world, here I come.
I can't wait for the beach! I don't know how many times I'm going to go, but it's going to be a lot. I'm for sure going with Ricky, but maybe a couple times with my family too. I want to try to learn how to surf, but if that fails, I can always skimboard.
The most important thing I have to do this summer is relax. I love to ride four wheelers, so that's going to relax me. I'm definitely going to go fishing all the time. I'm going to hang out with friends all summer long. I'm going to live in the water and get a sweet tan. Come on Summer 2010!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Charles Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. Louis

On May 27, 1927, a man by the name of Charles Lindbergh attempted a feat no man had ever tried. He attempted to be the first man to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in an airplane. After 33 ½ hours, he finally landed at Le Bourge airport in France. A huge crowd of over 100,000 people shouted in exuberance. Lindbergh was afraid of all the commotion, so he went to stay with the ambassador of France.
President Coolidge wanted Lindbergh to return to America to receive an award for his success. Lindbergh didn't want to at first, but soon agreed to return on an aircraft carrier sent by the President. He was then awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and honored with one of the biggest parades ever.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lieh Semaj

Motocross, cars, and sound systems - that's what James is all about. I met ol' boy freshman year in Coach Smith's American History class. At first he didn't seem like the kinda guy I'd hang out with. He just seemed like some dude that dressed fly. But now, I found out he's a pretty cool guy.
From day one, I knew James was crazy about motocross. One way i could tell was his fascination for FOX hats. That dude got a different hat like every week. Secondly, every other word out his mouth was motocross this, dirt bikes that. Just look at his facebook. He has like 7684247 pictures of him on a dirt bike. I wish i was cool enough for dirt bikes like James.
Another thing James has a passion for is cars. Okay for starters, his black car is so sick! Too bad he's selling it...dumb james. But he's not like most people that just want the latest, coolest cars. He likes to get older vehicles then fix them up. Just like on Home Improvement when Tim fixes up the hot rods! But yeah.. That's james and cars.
Last but not least, it's not just the cars that james loves, it's what's inside the car that matters. James gotta get that boom boom boom. With the power of his two 12s, he can go compete in the ghetto. Recently in Coach Spann's bible class, coach asked James if he could get him a deal on some speakers. He knows james is the speaker guy.
That's pretty much James in a nutshell. I wasn't really close with him until this year. We always talk in bible class about anything and everything. We'll prolly take a fishin trip or two this summer. That's JAMES!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Class of Journalism

Wow! Is it the end of the year already? It seems like yesterday when i walked through the narrow doors of journalism class for the first time. I had never had Miss M as a teacher before this year, but i wasn't too worried because i heard nothing but great news about her. I mean it's journalism after all. How hard could it be?
Well this is how hard it can be.. Try coming up with 50 ideas in like 20 minutes that you could write a story on. I thought that was tough the first time we did it. But we had to do it like 5 more times! Then she made us drive all the way to the barnes and noble in China all just to take a lousy picture (which chase got away with by taking one in the book aisle in walmart). The year has been filled with ridiculous projects like that. But the worst is yet to come...
It lurks in the dark depths of the computer screen, just waiting for its chance to attack. It's big, its hairy, its gruesome, its BLOGS! A blog assignment is probably the second worse thing that can ever happen to you - coming in second only to death itself. We had to do blogs on anything from sandwiches to puns to volcanos to what I'm doing right now. My fingers are cramping as we speakwffwjaieifefifwf..... ahhhhh CRAMP!.
I know it seems like I'm badmouthing journalism, which I am in a way... but it's not all that bad. On occasions, we actually do fun stuff. I will never forget the day we learned how to play odd man out. I still think we need padded floors. Or when we did our video projects. 3 words.. LIKE A BOX! Or most recently we went on a legit field trip. Which brings me back to the painful memory of another blog i had to do on the field trip!
That pretty much wraps up my year being a part of the LIONS ROAR. It's an experience i'll never forget. I not only beefed up my researching and writing skills, I also improved my typing speed because you make us do so many blogs! I will find a virus that i can upload into blogger to permanently shut it down. You just wait Jenny.. you just wait.

Rural Life Museum

The LSU Rural Life Museum is a guided tour for those who want to learn about the lifestyles of the 19th and early 20th century. It is a 40 acre plantation with a museum of artifacts. It is located in Baton Rouge, La. For group trips, it only costs $11 per person.
We turned in on a long dirt road and on either side lay huge plantations. After we parked the bus, a man with bright white hair stepped out of the building. He claimed to be our tour guide. We then sat down and watched a 5 minute video on what we're about to witness.
After the video, he led us out into the open air. We were about to witness history. He first showed us the living quarters of people back in the day. The rooms were extremely small with only one bed. Each bed kept up to 5 people. The teenage girls' rooms also only had one door so they couldn't sneak out and "spoon" with their men. They also made houses with breezeways, which was the best idea ever. They are wayyy cooler than the traditional house.
He showed us the process of how they made sugar. They used different size boilers that they put the sugar through. They used to use open boilers, and that resulted in a dar colored sugar. It wasn't until they started using closed boilers that they found out how to make white sugar.
All in all, it was a great trip. I learned a lot of stuff that i never thought i would learn about. I'd like to go back some day, and experience how they used to live, but i am still thankful for good ol' technology :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Finish Strong

The 2010 school year is coming to a close. It seems like yesterday that we were sitting in the gym listening to Mrs. DeSalvo happily telling us all the new rules of the upcoming school year. But now, all I can think about is summer. Many students start their year strong, but as summer draws near, they stop trying. They get caught up in the thought of weeks without school. This is especially true for seniors, because once the summer arrives, they're out of highschool forever. But what if you made it all this way, put in all that hard work, just to give up in the end and fail. Every test you studied for, every homework you finished, it was all for nothing. So I want to encourage you to finish strong and enjoy the rest of your year.
(ill prolly add more)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fun things to do over summer

Hey BCS! Summer is rapidly approaching and I'm sure y'all are all ready to get out. But what are you going to do with all that free time? Well, here are just a few ideas that will help get you started.

1. Sleep - everyone loves taking a good power nap.
2. Eat - when there's no school, there's a bunch of time to eat
3. Go to the beach - build a huge sandcastle and soak up some sun
4. Ride four wheelers - gotta get a little mud on the tires
5. Swim - the best exercise you can get
6. Shop - you can get some deals in the summer
7. Slip-n-slide - you don't have to be 7 to enjoy being a kid
8. Get a snowball - find your favorite flavor
9. Work - make some money to splurge on anything and everything
10. Fish - catch a bass and get a tan at the same time
11. Ride bikes - why doesn't anyone ride bikes anymore?
12. Play sports - nothing like a good backyard football game
13. Jump on the trampoline - dont't break a leg
14. Start a band - when you got time, make music
15. Relax - just enjoy summer and don't use your brain :)