Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Class of Journalism

Wow! Is it the end of the year already? It seems like yesterday when i walked through the narrow doors of journalism class for the first time. I had never had Miss M as a teacher before this year, but i wasn't too worried because i heard nothing but great news about her. I mean it's journalism after all. How hard could it be?
Well this is how hard it can be.. Try coming up with 50 ideas in like 20 minutes that you could write a story on. I thought that was tough the first time we did it. But we had to do it like 5 more times! Then she made us drive all the way to the barnes and noble in China all just to take a lousy picture (which chase got away with by taking one in the book aisle in walmart). The year has been filled with ridiculous projects like that. But the worst is yet to come...
It lurks in the dark depths of the computer screen, just waiting for its chance to attack. It's big, its hairy, its gruesome, its BLOGS! A blog assignment is probably the second worse thing that can ever happen to you - coming in second only to death itself. We had to do blogs on anything from sandwiches to puns to volcanos to what I'm doing right now. My fingers are cramping as we speakwffwjaieifefifwf..... ahhhhh CRAMP!.
I know it seems like I'm badmouthing journalism, which I am in a way... but it's not all that bad. On occasions, we actually do fun stuff. I will never forget the day we learned how to play odd man out. I still think we need padded floors. Or when we did our video projects. 3 words.. LIKE A BOX! Or most recently we went on a legit field trip. Which brings me back to the painful memory of another blog i had to do on the field trip!
That pretty much wraps up my year being a part of the LIONS ROAR. It's an experience i'll never forget. I not only beefed up my researching and writing skills, I also improved my typing speed because you make us do so many blogs! I will find a virus that i can upload into blogger to permanently shut it down. You just wait Jenny.. you just wait.