Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were two journalists from the Washington Post who were assigned to investigate a break-in of a building known as Watergate. Watergate was the headquarters for the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C. They later discovered that Nixon's re-election committee had bugged the opposing party's hotels and whatnot. This was the start to one of the biggest newspaper stories ever written.
Woodward and Bernstein researched the whole incident, trying to find anything about the burglars. They discovered that the 5 people that broke in to the building were arrested for burglary. It was later found out that one of the burglars had a $25,000 check was found in the account of one of the burglars. The check was marked as being for the Nixon re-election committee. The $25,000 wasn't the only amount of money they had received. They had been getting money for the past couple months, paying for their travel expenses, living expenses, etc. .
The two reporters spent hours and hours going around town trying to interview the people on the list for the Nixon re-election committee. Most people did not want to talk to them, for fear of getting caught. However, some people gave them valuable information. One unknown source of information, known as Deep Throat gave Bob Woodward valuable information that encouraged them to keep writing their story. Without the interviews, they probably would have never had enough faith and information to publish their story.
Some people feel that Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein discovered the largest scandal in history. The whole story of the Watergate scandal was made in to a #1 selling book and later became a movie called "All the Kings Men." This whole story goes to show that a good journalist spends much time doing research. You never know when the story you are writing could become the best story of your life.
Carl Bernstein
Bob Woodward

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein together in the 70s

Friday, February 19, 2010


Mud, dirt, water, fourwheelers - these are the four ingredients needed to have the best time of your life. What is this amazing thing you ask? It's called mudriding. Mudriding is a broad term. It can refer to anywhere from riding mountain bikes through puddles, or the more common, more fun way, with fourwheelers.
Fourwheelers can do many things. They can tow a load of firewood from your back yard to your door step. They can get you from point A to point B through many different types of terrain. Your lucky if you find mud on the way.. this is when the mudriding begins.
It starts of with you, the fourwheeler, and the hole. 2 feet of water, 1 foot of mud. This is it. You approach the hole easy, still in first gear. Drive into the mud, slam on the gas, and go at it. It starts bogging.. now's the time to shift into second. Mud is flying everwhere. Your slowly but surely making progress. You get to the end of the hole and your tires finally get grip. You go flying out and start showing off in front of the crowd. Time to go again.
Another thing you can do when riding is something called fish tailing. This is performed when you go around a turn to fast. Lets say it's a left turn. Your back end is gonna go flying to the right while your front is slung to the left. You go flying around the curve. You quickly cut the handlebars to the right to level out. You have successfully performed a sick fish tail.
"I'm a completely different man now that I have been mudriding. Thats the funnest freakin thing I ever did!" This is a quote from my friend Logan Rider. He never stops talking about it now. He plans to get one in the near future. So before you think its gross getting dirty, give it a shot. You never know, you might go country. ;)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rock Band VS. Guitar Hero

Okay, so everyone (or almost everyone) is familiar with guitar hero. For those of you that don't know, it's a video game that simulates a rock star in a concert. Whether or not a person has musical talent or not, if you have good reaction time and hand-eye coordination, you can become a guitar hero pro in no time. All it takes is a little practice.
Recently, Activision came up with a competitor. Their version is called Rock Band. What's difference you ask? Well you prolly coulda guessed from the name. It involves more than just a guitar. It has a microphone, guitar, bass, and what really makes it different, the drum set! This is most likely the most coveted instrument by your average guitar hero player.
There is a big debate over which game is better. "Rock band is for fags.. go with the original," says James Heil.
"When i was gay, I played rock band. But now that I have six wives, I guitar hero it up. Thanks guitar hero!" That was a quote guessed it.. none other than Chase Barrett. Clearly, they are leaning towards Guitar Hero.
I personally agree with them. I like guitar hero better simply because of the song list. I love to play the guitar so i love a song with some sick riffs and licks. So any song with a nice solo is the one for me. There's nothing better than chillin in your room by yourself with guitar hero blarin like your a real rock star.
Some people like to mix it up and go for rock band. They like the full on experience of being in a complete band. They either completely suck at instruments, or they dont have any time to have an actual band. But for people like that, rock band is the game for them. the songs may not be as hard, but they have a whole lot to choose from. They are bound to find some they like in the whole set list.
In summation, Guitar Hero is the better game for people who like a challenging guitar game. Rock Band is for people who like the whole band experience, though not quite as difficult of guitar riffs. Both games are sick, but its up to you to make the choice. Rock on!